Friday 24 June 2016

Week 8 Reflection Term 2

Hello Everybody
This Week we have been very busy with reading, writing, numeracy, and word work and here is my work for this week:

My reading goal for this week is to:
Use knowledge that I already know to guess the meaning of new words.
My writing goal for this week is to:
Use commas and colons in my work
For numeracy we did Khan academy arithmetic decimals and Study ladder
Word Work
For word work I made a spelling word story.

Friday 17 June 2016

Bonus Reflection

My words per minute was: 34
My accuracy was: 100%

Kiwi kids news Article:
I chose to do an Article about a leopard in the USA that had escaped from her enclosure
Kiwi kids news Quiz:
We had a whole bunch of questions to answer and I got 9/10 questions right :)