Monday 29 June 2015

St John First Aid Course !

Today we had some people from St Johns to teach us first aid this is the Danger, Response, Send 4 help, Airway, Breathing, CPR guide :

1. Danger - Check for any danger before you enter the room
2. Response - Yell out to the person
3. Send 4 help - Send somebody to get help and get them to come back
4. Airway - Clear their air pipe
5. Breathing - Check that they are breathing
6. CPR - If they don't do CPR do not play around

Severe bleeding we also learnt how to attend when there is severe bleeding this is how :

1. Put pressure on the cut do not touch it
2. Then you need to wrap it up with a pressure bandage
3. Then get a triangle shaped fabric
4. you need to wrap the area with the fabric to create an elevate sling

What you call on the phone in NZ - 111, Aussie - 000, America - 911 the first question they ask you is what you need a Ambulance, police or fire truck to attend you then the most important question they ask you is the exact address of where you are at NOT YOUR HOME ADDRESS the address of exactly where you are!

Image result for st john ambulance imagesImage result for st john ambulance images

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